Active English 5 Student Book (with ACD)

Active English 5 Student Book (with ACD)
Author(s) Elizabeth Baker
Consultant(s) -
ISBN 978-981-4370-69-1
Subject English (ELT)
Series Active English
Level Grade/Stage 10
Active English is a five-level English course that takes learners from Beginners to Intermediate level (A1 to B1+ of the Common European Framework of Reference).
Key Features:
- Clear learning sequences that promote generic and communicative competencies
- Integrated approach that carefully develops students’ listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills
- Language concepts introduced through a wide range of interesting themes relevant in today’s world
- Controlled pace and careful recycling of grammar and vocabulary for effective learning
- Opportunities and support for differentiation in mixed-ability classrooms
- Numerous activities that promote collaborative learning
- Authentic Reading texts to expose students to the real world and motivate learning through Reading Skills
- Interesting Get Real assignments that motivate students and provide communicative, task-based, and analytical learning experiences
- Vocabulary Booster that expands students’ vocabulary bank and encourages independent learning
- Useful study tips such as Recall and Learning Tip
- Student Book
- Student CD-ROM with MP3 Tracks
- Teacher’s Guide (includes answer key, worksheets, and tests)
- Class Audio CDs
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