English Works for the Office 1

English Works for the Office 1
Author(s) Stefan Kostarelis
ISBN 978-981-3183-43-8
Subject English for Specific Purposes
Series English Works for the Office
Level High School / University
English Works for the Office is a three-level series that is designed to prepare users for using English in the workplace. It is aimed to train users’ abilities in the four language skills as well as business practice. The series is written in a step-by-step manner and covers all workplace scenarios from the first job interviews to all possible situations at work to venturing one’s own business. This practical material focuses on the actual use and need of language in the workplace, and is suitable for students preparing to enter or those who have already entered the workforce.
• Know-How provides topic-based principles to help cope with the workplace.
• Cultural Talk uses simple language to introduce culture differences in business to prepare for international dealings.
• Survival English introduces common business phrases to better communication skills.
• Language in Action explains level-appropriate grammar points based on the CEFR framework to ensure correct language use.
• Reading allows users to internalize the contents; Case Study resorts to real-life cases to let users see the topic in actual workplace.
• Useful Expressions lists common expressions for practical use.
• Video increases learning efficiency and flexibility through realistic simulation.
• Review Test examines users’ learning results; Mini Test prepares users for the standardized TOEIC test.
• Student Book
• Caves WebSource
Other Resources
• Teachers’ Manual
• Test Bank
• PowerPoint
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