Inside Out Maths Textbook 1 (New Edition)

Inside Out Maths Textbook 1 (New Edition)
Author(s) Sam Kee
Consultant(s) Dr Thaneewitt Kitthitiphong
ISBN 978-981-3181-52-6
Subject Mathematics
Series Inside Out Maths (New Edition)
Level Grade/Stage 1
In the face of the 4th wave of industrialisation, we need to equip our pupils with 21st century competencies so that they will be ready in the future. They need a solid foundation in each subject, especially Maths, in order to exercise interdisciplinary knowledge. We want to support pupils in understanding Maths concepts quickly and simply, by using Worked Examples in an organised way to support pupils’ mastery.
Our chapter openers are deeply anchored in the local context and culture to help pupils think about how Maths is relevant in their daily lives, and how it can help them to solve problems logically and creatively.
The Inside Out series incorporates a design thinking process in four steps: Plan, Design, Test, Improve. We will support the teachers with detailed notes and exemplary scenario to help STEM education take flight successfully, inside and outside of the classroom.
We believe that if the pupils are not creating something with knowledge, then they are just memorising it and not applying it in any real way. So every STEM activity is authentic, based on pressing problem-solving issues found in the industry. A young pupil may not have the complete answer to an industrial problem, but we can train and tap on their young creative minds to think critically about the important factors that will help them unpack a problem.
Inside Out Maths (New Edition) comprises the following components:
- Textbook
- Workbook — loaded with additional mastery questions and a brand new Let’s Review feature in each chapter and more rigorous Review Tests
- Teacher’s Pack — contains Scheme-of-Work, lesson plans, teacher’s notes, lesson slides, test papers, worksheets, blackline masters, project work and flashcards
- Digital Textbook and Workbook — accessible at
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