Maths SMART Student Book 3B

Maths SMART Student Book 3B
Hawa Shahbal
Penny Sim
Consultant(s) Katharine Edgar
ISBN 978-981-4321-39-6
Subject Mathematics
Series Maths SMART
Level Grade/Stage 3
Maths SMART series is developed to cover comprehensively the learning outcomes of the latest Cambridge Primary curriculum framework.
Maths SMART builds a strong foundation of the subject through the use of well-researched and sound pedagogical principles. Adopting the popular Concrete -> Pictorial -> Abstract approach widely used in the Singapore mathematics curriculum, pupils are introduced to new concepts through concrete manipulatives and engaging pictorials before they are led to see their abstract symbolic representations. This allows pupils to have a deeper understanding of key mathematical concepts, thus motivating them to learn.
Content is also clearly structured and spiralled across the levels to ensure a gradual build-up and review of skills as pupils progress up the grades. At the same time, emphasis is given on developing pupils’ problem-solving skills, critical thinking, as well as other 21st Century Skills.
Maths SMART also develops pupils’ exam confidence. A wide variety of practice questions are provided at frequent and appropriate junctures. This ensures that there is immediate reinforcement of concepts and sufficient practice to enable pupils to attain mastery, thus preparing them well for the Cambridge Primary Checkpoint tests.
Maths SMART Grade 3 comprises the following components:
- Textbooks 3A and 3B
- Workbooks 3A and 3B
- Teacher’s Guides 3A and 3B — Contains Scheme-of-Work, wraparound teachers’ notes for Textbooks and answers for Workbooks, with additional information and tips on conducting and delivering effective mathematics lessons
- Additional worksheets for review and extension of learning are available online
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