Happy Maths KG 1

Happy Maths KG 1
Author(s) Desiree Lee
ISBN 978-981-3181-26-7
Subject Mathematics
Series Happy Maths
Level Kindergarten 1
Welcome to the fun and exciting world of Mathematics!
The Happy Maths kindergarten series introduces early learners to the world of Mathematics. The series adopts a theme-based approach that introduces children to the world around them. The series covers important Mathematical concepts such as counting, sequences and position, addition, subtraction, shapes, and colours. Children cultivate problem-solving skills through a wide range of activities.
Each chapter is laid out in a structured manner, with eye-catching yet simple features such as What?, Trace!, Colour!, Draw! and Your Turn! These activities help children develop fundamental motor skills which are important when they progress to higher grades.
What are you waiting for? Bring your young learners on a journey with Bobby and his friends to learn more about Mathematics through everyday situations!
The Happy Maths kindergarten series consists of:
- Activity book
- Sticker pages
- Teacher’s Guide
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