Happy Maths Book 2

Happy Maths Book 2
Author(s) Desiree Lee
ISBN 978-981-3181-16-8
Subject Mathematics
Series Happy Maths
Level Grade/Stage 2
The Happy Maths series covers all the learning objectives that are covered in the Sri Lanka National Curriculum for Mathematics. This series adopts the Concrete -> Pictorial -> Abstract approach so that pupils learn in a structured manner that ensures a deeper grasp of the subject.
Pupils are taken on an exciting journey with our lively and adorable mascots, Juju and his friends, to explore essential Mathematical concepts such as Numbers, Shapes, Measurements, Time and Money. Each book contains colourful and attractive pages so that pupils are encouraged to flip through the book on their own. The language used is simple, ensuring that pupils clearly understand what is being taught.
Detailed explanations are provided for students to grasp concepts easily. Practices come in a variety of ways that are fun and engaging, capturing pupils’ attention and enabling them to apply their knowledge of what they have learnt. At the end of each chapter, pupils undergo a thorough reflection process, to evaluate and improve their progress and understanding of concepts. This helps pupils to build a strong and solid foundation in Mathematics.
Beyond a strong mastery in skills, pupils will also become curious learners who can think critically, reason logically and become confident problem solvers. Are you ready for your young learner to develop a deeper interest and love for learning?
The Happy Maths series consists of:
- Textbook
- Teacher’s Guide
- Online resources, including Chapter Test Papers, Term Exam Papers and Printables.
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